kengo kuma architectural evolution: 50 key projects illustrated in book by hiroshi miyazawa

kengo kuma architectural evolution: 50 key projects illustrated in book by hiroshi miyazawa

kengo kuma’s architectural evolution is traced in a new illustration book by hiroshi miyazawa, a painter and former editor-in-chief of ‘nikkei architecture’ magazine. the architectural guide features 50 major projects by the globally acclaimed japanese architect, from his postmodern ‘M2 building’ in tokyo, completed in 1991, to more recent projects like the ‘kadokawa culture museum’ and the ‘coeda house’. additionally, detailed design explanations and technical aspects are provided for each building, while the book also includes a long interview with kengo kuma himself.kengo kuma architectural evolution: 50 key projects illustrated in book by hiroshi miyazawa

all images courtesy of hiroshi miyazawa



hiroshi miyazawa developed the book as an index of 50 kengo kuma buildings that should be seen in japan. it serves as both a travel guidebook and a practical architectural book, with illustrations tracing the evolution of the renowned architect from the 90s to today. projects inside include the ‘japan national stadium’ (more here), the ‘snow peak landstation hakuba’ (more here) and the ‘tetchan yakitori bar’ (more here).

kengo kuma architectural evolution: 50 key projects illustrated in book by hiroshi miyazawa




the book is divided into four main categories defined by common spatial characteristics among the projects. each project comes with a unique illustration, architectural data and text description (sadly only in japanese for now!). last, a long interview with kengo kuma himself is included at the beginning and end of the book.kengo kuma architectural evolution: 50 key projects illustrated in book by hiroshi miyazawa kengo kuma architectural evolution: 50 key projects illustrated in book by hiroshi miyazawa

kengo kuma architectural evolution: 50 key projects illustrated in book by hiroshi miyazawa

kengo kuma architectural evolution: 50 key projects illustrated in book by hiroshi miyazawa

kengo kuma architectural evolution: 50 key projects illustrated in book by hiroshi miyazawa

kengo kuma architectural evolution: 50 key projects illustrated in book by hiroshi miyazawa

kengo kuma architectural evolution: 50 key projects illustrated in book by hiroshi miyazawa

kengo kuma architectural evolution: 50 key projects illustrated in book by hiroshi miyazawa

kengo kuma architectural evolution: 50 key projects illustrated in book by hiroshi miyazawa

kengo kuma architectural evolution: 50 key projects illustrated in book by hiroshi miyazawakengo kuma portrait illustration

kengo kuma architectural evolution: 50 key projects illustrated in book by hiroshi miyazawachronology and location guide

kengo kuma architectural evolution: 50 key projects illustrated in book by hiroshi miyazawabook cover





project info:


author: hiroshi miyazawa

format: A5, all color, 208 pages

publication date: may 11, 2021

available on: amazon jp

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architectural illustrations (46)

illustration (119)

kengo kuma (280)