map office: simply enjoy the scenery
‘simply enjoy the scenery’ by map office

map office: simply enjoy the scenery

currently on display at the gallery VER, bangkok is ‘grid versus chaos’, a group
exhibition including amy cheung, map office and wei leng tay. curated by alvaro
rodriguez fominaya the exhibition refers to the different possibilities of communication
that the idea of the grid offers, confronted by the notion of chaos in daily life in
south asian cities.

‘simply enjoy the scenery’ is map office’s contribution is based on their ongoing research
project on islands, this time, 100+1 islands in a grid pattern occupies the gallery floor,
creating an installation that has its centerpiece in the island of koh tapu, a real place
connected to fictional imagery and southeast asia.

map office: simply enjoy the scenery
the island of koh tapu

map office: simply enjoy the scenery

map office: simply enjoy the scenery

map office: simply enjoy the scenery

map office: simply enjoy the scenery

map office: simply enjoy the scenery

map office: simply enjoy the scenery

map office: simply enjoy the scenery

map office: simply enjoy the scenery

map office: simply enjoy the scenery

map office: simply enjoy the scenery

map office: simply enjoy the scenery

map office: simply enjoy the scenery

map office: simply enjoy the scenery

map office: simply enjoy the scenery

map office: simply enjoy the scenery