neon lights permeate glass block walls of renovated hidden basement bar in indonesia

neon lights permeate glass block walls of renovated hidden basement bar in indonesia

Hidden lounge bar breathes new life into old basement


HIDDEN project intervenes in an old unused basement shelter in Semarang, Indonesia, renovating the space into an illuminating lounge and bar. Designer Antonius Richard of RAD+ar architects imbues smart lighting into the old structure, as well as sound systems within all the sculpted furniture.


The project maintains the discreet nature of the space, with plain membrane lighting placed above the reception table, nestled among indoor terrariums, and leading to the downstairs elevator. The design achieves a dimmable ambiance, emphasizing the adaptive reuse of the structure through a combination of glass blocks, perforated stainless steel, and sculpted terrazzo furniture.

neon lights permeate glass block walls of renovated hidden basement bar in indonesia
all images by William Sutanto



Innovative Design integrates Smart Lighting and Sound systems


Notably, all the furniture, including the bar and performer table, integrates a smart lighting system that responds to music and performance, creating an immersive experience. The centerpiece of the design by Antonius Richard is a party area situated within an old cantilever structure adorned with perforated stainless-steel cubes that also incorporate a dynamic smart lighting system, reflecting real-time changes in lighting.

neon lights permeate glass block walls of renovated hidden basement bar in indonesia
HIDDEN project intervenes in an old unused basement shelter in Semarang

neon lights permeate glass block walls of renovated hidden basement bar in indonesia
the renovation converts the space into an illuminating lounge and bar

neon lights permeate glass block walls of renovated hidden basement bar in indonesia
the design imbues smart lighting into the old structure

neon lights permeate glass block walls of renovated hidden basement bar in indonesia
smart sound systems are integrated within all the sculpted furniture


the adaptive reuse of the structure is highlighted through a combination of glass blocks and perforated stainless steel

neon lights permeate glass block walls of renovated hidden basement bar in indonesia
the smart lighting system responds to music and performance


the project maintains the discreet nature of the space, with plain membrane lighting placed above the reception table


the design achieves a dimmable ambiance
the design achieves a dimmable ambiance
old cantilever structure is adorned with perforated stainless-steel cubes
old cantilever structure is adorned with perforated stainless-steel cubes
all furniture apply sculpted terrazzo
all furniture apply sculpted terrazzo
site plan
site plan
basement plan
basement plan

project info:


name: Hidden
architect: RAD+ar (Research Artistic Design + architecture) | @radarchitects – Antonius Richard | @antoniusrichard

location: Semarang, Indonesia

photography: William Sutanto – Arti Pictures | @artipictures



designboom has received this project from our DIY submissions feature, where we welcome our readers to submit their own work for publication. see more project submissions from our readers here.


edited by: christina vergopoulou | designboom

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architecture in indonesia (173)

bar architecture and design (91)

lighting design (513)

RAD+ar (13)

renovation and restoration architecture and design (954)