open courtyards embed natural greenery within the living spaces of residence in japan

open courtyards embed natural greenery within the living spaces of residence in japan

FORT7 celebrates harmonious coexistence with nature


Ishiodori Takeshi Architects’ latest residential project FORT7 explores living amongst lush greenery within the densely populated Miyazaki City, Japan. The site’s location close to the city’s downtown imposes a challenge for the green-filled living space proposal. The design solution is ingeniously realized through the creation of three distinct courtyards, each bearing unique features and serving specific functional roles within the overall composition. The house embraces nature as an integral part of its design. Expansive views of the planted zones traverse the main garden located to the south, extending through the living spaces and bedrooms, and to the secondary gardens to the north.

open courtyards embed natural greenery within the living spaces of residence in japan
all images by studio marsh



Ishiodori Takeshi Architects organizes three open courtyards


The main garden, reminiscent of a thicket, unfolds to the south of the living room, while the secondary garden, nestled between the living room and bedrooms, acts as an auxiliary green space. The third courtyard houses an open-air bath. The layout of the house seamlessly follows the elongated shape of the site, extending from the roadside parking lot and entrance to the Japanese-style guest room, main garden, living room, secondary garden, bedroom, and culminating in the water area. The design team arranges main and secondary gardens with uninterrupted visual connections to the entire property, seamlessly integrating indoor and outdoor spaces. The glass pergola-covered outdoor living room adjacent to the main garden serves as a central atrium allowing ample sunlight within the structure and offering space for relaxation.

open courtyards embed natural greenery within the living spaces of residence in japan
FORT7 explores living amongst lush greenery within the densely populated Miyazaki City



The project draws attention to the profound importance of intertwining human beings with plants, even in the context of artificial gardens and carefully planned spaces. Addressing the ongoing challenges of over-population within dense urban landscapes, Ishiodori Takeshi Architects proposes innovative solutions that nurture the connection with nature.

open courtyards embed natural greenery within the living spaces of residence in japan
the layout forms three distinct courtyards with unique features and specific functional roles

open courtyards embed natural greenery within the living spaces of residence in japan
large glazed partitions allow for the seamless integration of indoor and outdoor spaces

open courtyards embed natural greenery within the living spaces of residence in japan
main and secondary gardens display uninterrupted visual connections to the entire house


the house embraces nature as an integral part of its design

open courtyards embed natural greenery within the living spaces of residence in japan
the structure encloses a hidden green sanctuary within the cityscape


the proposal embeds a green-filled living space in the city’s downtown area

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