The word prefabricated structures in the construction industry evokes an inflexible concept of those elements to which the creative must adapt to formulate his project – but nothing is further from Predecon’s process. This leading Mexican precast company has fused creativity and engineering to bring complex and extraordinary architectural projects to life for 30 years. Under the motto ‘the structure is the architecture’, Predecon has positioned itself with its contribution to iconic buildings that have radically changed the prefabricated paradigm.


When Predecon entered the construction industry in 1992, the procedure for the application of prefabricated parts was through catalogs whose information was unclear and somewhat limiting for the design. There was great potential to innovate, not only by creating custom pieces for architects but also by contributing ideas that complement the structural logic and enhance the spatial result. A clear example of this contribution is Plantel Matilde, where Predecon collaborated with Mexican sculptor Javier Marín and his brother, architect Arcadio Marín, to build their splendid studio. Engineer Enrique Escalante, founder of Predecon, revealed details about the construction process where he sought a balance between architectural beauty and the structural efficiency of prefabricated elements.

the search for balance between beauty and industrialization at plantel matilde

images by Edmund Sumners (unless noted)





Plantel Matilde is a monumental building in the middle of the Yucatecan jungle, with a diffuse style that evokes the essence of different periods — depending on the time and angle at which it is observed, allusions to pre-Hispanic, classical, and contemporary architecture can be appreciated. Although its design exudes a sober character, with its right angles and smooth surfaces, the building hides meticulous details whose constructive execution involves a high degree of complexity.


To reach the level of detail that distinguishes Plantel Matilde, it was necessary to combine the sculptor’s vision with the spatial and constructive understanding of the Predecon team. ‘Javier arrived with a very clear idea of the space he wanted and the characteristics he was looking for,’ said Enrique. The project could be perfectly adapted to prefabrication, but the dimensions and details required would have been difficult to achieve with standardized pieces.

the search for balance between beauty and industrialization at plantel matilde

the building conceals meticulous details whose constructive execution entailed a high degree of complexity





The result was that each element of Plantel Matilde is a unique prefab, not only because they were designed specifically for the building, but also because their arrangement and finish varies according to their placement. A clear example of this alternation is the windows, designed as long vertical openings that are regularly repeated throughout the building. Depending on the orientation, the windows present a 45º chamfer that evokes the visual finials of the Yucatecan haciendas. The angle alters the incidence of light, and at the same time interacts with the reflections of the mirror of water in the center of the complex.

the search for balance between beauty and industrialization at plantel matilde

the windows have a 45º chamfer that evokes the visual finials of the Yucatecan haciendas | image by Predecon


Another space at Plantel Matilde that has become a photogenic icon is its colossal portico, which gives the impression of having a perfectly square proportion – although the distance between columns, their height and width seem to be the same 10 meters, this is not the case. This characteristic, which is not a fortuitous coincidence, is due to the structural adjustment made by Predecon to play with the perspective of the space and create the effect of perfect symmetry.

the search for balance between beauty and industrialization at plantel matilde

Predecon adjusted the perspective of the structure to simulate a perfectly square space.


The gantry slabs rest directly on the columns, with neat joints that are repeated rhythmically. This splicing of elements is unusual, as a beam is usually placed under the slab to carry weight to the vertical load-bearing elements. To achieve this sense of overlapping objects with simplicity, Predecon incorporates the beam internally so that the piece appears to rest directly on the column. The result is an essential volumetry like a child’s set of blocks; however, it encompasses a complex structural solution.

the search for balance between beauty and industrialization at plantel matilde

the slabs appear to rest directly on the columns

the search for balance between beauty and industrialization at plantel matilde

Image of Predecón





Predecon’s contributions stand out not only for their carefully designed pieces for each project but also for their ability to incorporate custom finishes. With the knowledge that comes naturally from three decades in the industry, the team is more than qualified to make recommendations that help the efficiency of the architecture, seeking quality and beauty. The engineer Enrique Escalante, speaks easily identifying the plastic and aesthetic characteristics of the concrete used in any building he visits, and it is with this criterion that he defined the materiality of Plantel Matilde.


The Mexican sculptor was looking for a natural finish, capable of coexisting with time and providing a human factor. The solution was simple: instead of creating perfect molds, capable of producing almost reflective surfaces, he opted to leave open faces that allowed for manual intervention to create the final finish. The color of the concrete evokes the warm hues of the region, due to the aggregates used which create a particular gray. To allow the material to age and interact with the environment, it was decided not to add water repellents. In this way, the prefabricated elements that make up the studio adapt to the conceptual intentions of the design and the context.

the search for balance between beauty and industrialization at plantel matilde

the color of the concrete evokes the warm shades of the region due to the aggregates used

the search for balance between beauty and industrialization at plantel matilde

to allow the material to interact with the environment, it was decided not to add water repellents | image by Predecón


As with Plantel Matilde, Predecon’s processes, materials and solutions evolve according to the requirements of each project. Thanks to the team’s work philosophy, where ‘there are no impossibilities, only challenges’, the use of prefabricated elements does not limit the design, but rather enhances it, while providing the industrialization necessary for efficiency.

the search for balance between beauty and industrialization at plantel matilde

the use of prefabricated structures does not limit the design but rather enhances it


project info: 


title: Plantel Matilde 

architect: Arcadio Marín

concrete prefabricated structure: Arcadio Marín 

photography: Edmund Sumners