a youtube community playing the sims 4 otherwise known as tiny house builders has been identified, clearly having never heard of the words motherload or rosebud. in favour of designing and building more modest abodes, the gamers seem to steer away from iconic cheats like the aforementioned.

the sims 4 is fostering a massive community of tiny house builders

image courtesy of lukey



instead, the youtube-based community people prefer to build houses on trailers, in buses, and on tiny plots of land that they scraped together to buy. over the past two years, hundreds of videos have been shared showing off various attempts, with an advance in the last few months. some have even reached millions of views.

the sims 4 is fostering a massive community of tiny house builders

image courtesy of the sim supply



in order to scrimp on space, users are planning open bathrooms and putting beds in kitchens – ideas that seem ludicrous but aren’t far from real-life examples. manifesting not only in the real world but also in the virtual, compact living is proving a popular topic at the moment, encouraging architects, designers, and apparently gamers, to take on limited budgets, limited color palettes, and limited space.


video by the sim supply



this community of sims 4 tiny house builders are creating micro homes at a time when housing crises are happening all over the world. building more co-living developments and micro-homes in urban areas are at the top of the list when it comes to people’s preferred solutions.


video by smilinsims


video by the sim supply


video by lukey