‘tree top walk’ by bavarian forest national park, neuschonau, germanyall images courtesy of bavarian forest national park



a curious hybrid of a miniature gherkin tower and the reichstag dome in berlin, the 44-meter tall ‘tree top walk’ in the lush bavarian forest national parkin neuschonau, germany is the world’s tallest tree to observation structure. starting from a 500-meter long wooden ramp out in the forest, visitors will meander their way through the natural habitat eventually finding themselves at the base of a winding walkway supported by a series of vertical glulamcolumns that create a sort of open-air dome over three giant 38-meter tall fir trees. the path, accessible from beginning to end with no more than a 6% slope offers a complete view of the ecosystems surrounding a tree, from the different plants, mosses and creatures at the base to life in the canopy, simultaneously providing 360-degree views of the trees themselves and over hundred’s of kilometers of protected forest landscape – with glimpses of the alps on clear days. the radially-located timber pillars contain slender protruding wide flange beam that helps support the walkway. cross tension cablesprovide lateral support with the help of rigid round metal tube crossbeams on the lower bays.  



walk-through of the project




44 metre high tree top walkway in bavarian forest national parktimber tower in the forest




44 metre high tree top walkway in bavarian forest national parkwinds around three enormous 38-meter tall fir trees




44 metre high tree top walkway in bavarian forest national parkwinding walkway is accessible at all times, from the entrance to the top of the structure




44 metre high tree top walkway in bavarian forest national park




44 metre high tree top walkway in bavarian forest national park




44 metre high tree top walkway in bavarian forest national parkthe walkway creates a vertical solidity over the trees but allows light to seep in laterally



44 metre high tree top walkway in bavarian forest national park



44 metre high tree top walkway in bavarian forest national parktension cables support lateral forces of the open-air construct



44 metre high tree top walkway in bavarian forest national parkwalkway at the top with transparent mesh floor



44 metre high tree top walkway in bavarian forest national park



44 metre high tree top walkway in bavarian forest national park



44 metre high tree top walkway in bavarian forest national park




44 metre high tree top walkway in bavarian forest national parkbird’s eye view




44 metre high tree top walkway in bavarian forest national parkthe tree top walkway within the context of the lush bavarian forest




44 metre high tree top walkway in bavarian forest national parkuses natural wooden columns to support the elevated path





44 metre high tree top walkway in bavarian forest national parkentrance kiosk


