recipients of the 21st praemium imperiale, awarded annually by the japan art association (under the presidency of prince hitachi) to honor worldwide achievement in the arts, were announced on 24 september. five prizes are awarded to one candidate in each of the five fields of painting, sculpture, architecture, music, and theatre/film. this year photographer sugimoto hiroshi was selected for the painting category, the sculpture award went to richard long and architecture to zaha hadid. pianist alfred brendel and playwright tom stoppard. the awards ceremony will take place on 22 october at the meiji kinenkan in tokyo.

zaha hadid and tom stoppard

zaha hadid awarded praemium imperiale alfred brendel, hiroshi sugimoto and richard long

previous architecture awards went to:

2008 – peter zumthor 2007 – herzog & de meuron 2006 – frei otto 2005 – taniguchi yosiho 2004 – oscar niemeyer 2003 – rem koolhaas 2002 – norman foster 2001 – jean nouvel 2000 – richard rogers 1999 – fumihiko maki 1998 – alvaro siza 1997 – richard meier 1996 – tadao ando 1995 – renzo piano 1994 – cherles correa 1993 – kenzo tange 1992 – frank gehry 1991 – gae aulenti 1990 – james stirling 1989 – ieoh ming pei
