

from 21st to 23rd april, casa batlló celebrates the festivity of sant jordi (saint george) by festooning its famous façade in roses and flooding its courtyard with a fall of petals. located in barcelona, the architectural jewel and world heritage building created by antoni gaudí teams up with banc of sang i teixits (blood and tissues bank) in the aim to highlight the importance of donating blood to save lives, through connecting cultural history with social issues. the creative event, named ‘drac & roses‘, continues on the street in front with a blood collection campaign, where expert medical staff will attend any willing donors from 9am to 9pm across the whole weekend.


the façade and interiors of  antoni gaudí’s casa batlló represent the mythical dragon slew in the legend of sant jordi. most notably its dragon roof terrace, cross of the saint, princess’ balcony and the columns and balconies in the shape of bones are recognizable features that support this interpretation and serve as a perfect setting for the celebration. this contemporary clarification is strengthen further as more than 1,300 bright red roses decorate the front and a surreal experience of petals flood the interiors.




as the patron saint of catalonia, the diada of sant jordi became a source of inspiration for an event of public participation in the form of blood donation. from 9 am to 9pm on 21st, 22nd and 23rd april, ‘drac & roses‘ volunteers can donate blood outside of the casa batlló, or can join the cause and share it on social networks under #MésQueUnaRosa.

the façade of casa batlló was adorned with roses during the diada of sant jordi in 2016



located in the center of barcelona, casa batlló is a world renowned building created by the catalonian architect antoni gaudí. as just one of his many masterpieces in the city, the house’s refurbishment was completed in 1906 and has since become a UNESCO world heritage site in 2005.  fantastical and full of imagination, antoni gaudí’s creation is one of the most loved cultural attractions, amazing tourists with its details of beauty and artwork.
