archie moore’s australian pavilion wins the golden lion award at venice art biennale 2024

archie moore’s australian pavilion wins the golden lion award at venice art biennale 2024

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kith and kin receives best national participation


Archie Moore’s kith and kin exhibition for the Australian Pavilion at this year’s Venice Art Biennale has been awarded the Golden Lion for Best National Participation. Commissioned by Creative Australia and curated by Ellie Buttrose, the installation was lauded for its subtle yet poignant confrontation of First Nations Australian history and its colonial legacies, whilst celebrating connective threads of identity and lineage.


Coinciding with the biennale’s inauguration on April 20, the announcement was made during the Awards Ceremony at Ca’ Giustinian by the international jury comprising Julia Bryan-Wilson (USA), President of the Jury, Alia Swastika (Indonesia), Chika Okeke-Agulu (Nigeria), Elena Crippa (Italy), and María Inés Rodríguez (France/Colombia). ‘This installation stands out for its strong aesthetic, its lyricism, and its invocation of a shared loss of an occluded past. With his inventory of thousands of names, Moore also offers a glimmer of the possibility of recovery,’ comment the judges.

archie moore’s australian pavilion wins the golden lion award at venice art biennale 2024
all images courtesy of Archie Moore and TheCommercial | photography by Andrea Rossetti



archie moore traces first nations Australian ancestry


The 60th Venice Art Biennale calls for an exploration of the theme Foreigners Everywhere in response to which Archie Moore brings international awareness to the vitality of First Nations kinship, in spite of facing systemic injustices since British invasion in 1770. Bridging the personal and the political, a monumental genealogical chart etches across the Australian Pavilion’s black walls. It spans 65,000 years to trace the artist’s Kamilaroi and Bigambol ancestry stretching back more than 2,400 generations, while mirroring global narratives to highlight our shared ancestry and humanity. A reflective pool at the center of the space sheds light on the injustices face by First Nations peoples today, amid which stand over 500 document stacks consisting of coronial inquests into the deaths of Indigenous Australians in police custody in our lifetime.


Derived from Moore’s research with family, community and archivists, the intricate map of relations unfolds as a memorial, reflecting the unique familial structures of First Nations Australians and affirms their status as some of the world’s longest continuous living cultures. ‘Kith and Kin is a holographic map of relations which connects life and death, people and places, circular and linear time, everywhere and everywhen to a site for quiet reflection and remembrance,’ says the artist. Curator Ellie Buttrose adds: ‘Archie Moore profoundly affects those who listen. kith and kin enfolds all of us into Archie’s family. To be kin is to carry responsibilities; duties for each other and all living things throughout time. This commendation is a celebration of Archie’s generosity — it is an honour to witness his art.’

archie moore’s australian pavilion wins the golden lion award at venice art biennale 2024
the Australian Pavilion at this year’s Venice Art Biennale awarded the Golden Lion for Best National Participation



accolades at the 60th venice art biennial


Upon recommendation of Adriano Pedrosa, Curator of the exhibition of the 60th Venice Art Biennale, two Golden Lions for Lifetime Achievement were awarded to Italian-born Brazilian artist Anna Maria Maiolino and to Paris-based Turkish artist Nil Yalter. New Zealand’s Mataaho Collective took the Golden Lion for the Best Participant in the International Exhibition, while the Silver Lion for a Promising Young Participant in the International Exhibition went to artist Karimah Ashadu. The Kosovo Pavilion also received a special mention for National Participation with their installation The Echoing Silences of Metal and Skin. Palestinian artist Samia Halaby and Argentinian artist La Chola Poblete were also recognized for their notable contributions in the main Foreigners Everywhere exhibition.

archie moore’s australian pavilion wins the golden lion award at venice art biennale 2024
kith and kin by Archie Moore

archie moore’s australian pavilion wins the golden lion award at venice art biennale 2024
confrontating First Nations Australian history whilst celebrating connective threads of lineage

archie moore’s australian pavilion wins the golden lion award at venice art biennale 2024
a genealogical chart etches across the Australian Pavilion’s black walls


archie moore’s australian pavilion wins the golden lion award at venice art biennale 2024
it spans 65,000 years to trace the artist’s Kamilaroi and Bigambol ancestry

archie moore’s australian pavilion wins the golden lion award at venice art biennale 2024
global narratives that highlight our shared ancestry and humanity sprawl across the walls

archie moore’s australian pavilion wins the golden lion award at venice art biennale 2024
the names of the artist’s ancestry stretching back more than 2,400 generations

archie moore’s australian pavilion wins the golden lion award at venice art biennale 2024
‘this installation stands out for its strong aesthetic, its lyricism, and its invocation of a shared loss of an occluded past’


archie moore’s australian pavilion wins the golden lion award at venice art biennale 2024
commissioned by Creative Australia and curated by Ellie Buttrose

archie moore’s australian pavilion wins the golden lion award at venice art biennale 2024
500 document stacks consisting of coronial inquests into the deaths of Indigenous Australians in police custody



project info:


name: kith and kin

artist: Archie Moore

commissioner: Creative Australia

curator: Ellie Buttrose

program: Venice Art Biennale 2024

location: Australia Pavilion, Giardini, Venice

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