yorkshire-based artist and printmaker pippa dyrlaga transforms paper into intricate pieces of art inspired by the natural world. as previously published on designboom, she specializes in the art of paper cut-outs, depicting ornate plants, animals, and other more surreal designs whose micro details bring to life the flatness of their canvas.

artist pippa dyrlaga cuts intricately detailed landscapes from paper

images courtesy of pippa dyrlaga



pippa begins by sketching her design on the reverse of a sheet of paper, before carving out the silhouette of the image she’d like to create using a scalpel or X-acto knife. then, flips the paper over to unveil the finished work or.

artist pippa dyrlaga cuts intricately detailed landscapes from paper



she uses specialist types of paper that can withstand the intricate cutting process. she has recently started looking into more sustainable options, like japanese washi papers, which are both light as a feather and strong.

artist pippa dyrlaga cuts intricately detailed landscapes from paper



pippa only began paper cutting in 2010, a year before completing her masters degree in art and design and curation at leeds metropolitan university. since then she has often used single white sheets for her art. now, however, she has begun experimenting with color, painting blues, golds and black onto her designs, making for more distinct visuals of moss and other shrubs.

artist pippa dyrlaga cuts intricately detailed landscapes from paper



as well as nature, pippa draws inspiration from greek mythology to create motifs, as can be seen in her piece ‘psychopomp’, which takes its name from the mythical figure who guides souls to the place of the death. she describes it below:


‘psychopomp is a spirit or deity, often depicted in animal form, which guides people into the afterlife. it is also an amazing word,’ she says.


‘the piece is split into two, night and day, life and death. the daytime is represents life and growth, organic patterns and plants. the second half with nocturnal animals and abstract patterns, representing the more abstract idea of what comes after.’

artist pippa dyrlaga cuts intricately detailed landscapes from paper



since making her craft more widely known online, pippa has collaborated with several brands and companies including york university, awagami paper factory and excel blades. to see more of pippa dyrlaga’s work, follow her on instagram and check out her website where you can also purchase her art.

artist pippa dyrlaga cuts intricately detailed landscapes from paper

artist pippa dyrlaga cuts intricately detailed landscapes from paper

artist pippa dyrlaga cuts intricately detailed landscapes from paper

artist pippa dyrlaga cuts intricately detailed landscapes from paper

artist pippa dyrlaga cuts intricately detailed landscapes from paper

artist pippa dyrlaga cuts intricately detailed landscapes from paper

artist pippa dyrlaga cuts intricately detailed landscapes from paper


project info


artist: pippa dyrlaga
project: paper cuts