french artist benedetto bufalino has an appreciation for inserting the strange into daily life. for sélestat’s art biennale in the northeast of france, the artist continues this trend. the exhibition integrates bufalino’s work into the public domain. the artist’s three distinct pieces manipulate the way people interact with existing urban spaces, architecture, and streets — temporarily creating an intriguing dialogue. 

benedetto bufalino selestat
benedetto bufalino displays three public artworks for sélestat’s art biennale in france



bufalino’s work conjures up a wide variety of emotions for its spectators. in this series, the artist ‘remixes’ three automotive vehicles, allowing them to take on alternative functions as a light, a tennis court, and outdoor seating. located inside a public park, bufalino has inverted an AUDI atop a lamp post. at night, the light illuminates the interior of the car, creating an interesting display. for his second work, the artist carves out the interior of a stretch limo, only leaving the side just high enough to climb over into the body or sit and chat with friends. the third installation, a narrow tennis court, sits on the roof of a truck. is it functional space to play? maybe not.
benedetto bufalino selestat
following a trend in many of his earlier works, bufalino manipulates the function of a car
benedetto bufalino selestat
in previous works the artist has used a car as a grill or jacuzzi 
benedetto bufalino selestat
the artist inverts an older model AUDI on top of a park’s lamppost  
benedetto bufalino selestat
the artist’s installations are able to manipulate the way in which one interacts with a public space
benedetto bufalino selestat
the community is able to utilize and interact with the artwork as they see fit
benedetto bufalino selestat
the artist obscures the function of each vehicle — creating an original product

