street artist jilly ballistic has plastered faux computer dialog boxes onto subway advertisements above: ‘this tag was installed successfully’ on ‘if you see something, say something’ PSA 6th avenue and 14th street exit, L train computer error message street art

a new series by brooklyn-based street artist jilly ballistic plasters faux dialog boxes atop billboards and posters throughout new york subway stations. the messages take their textual cues from the advertisement itself, offering jests against consumer culture and lowbrow films. the error messages comprise primarily mac alerts, although one windows-style popup displays the message, ‘we’re sorry, the product you are looking for is currently under maintenance due to a lack of quality‘ over a coors advertisement.

computer error message street art ‘low expectations warning’ lorimer, manhattan-bound L train

computer error message street art ‘are you sure you want to remove this advertisement permanently? you cannot undo this action’ 14th street and union square at broadway entrance, L train

computer error message street art ‘file > move to trash’, on ‘that’s my boy’ movie poster lorimer, manhattan-bound L train

via laughingsquid