across 5,000 square meters of museum space uniting venice’s palazzo grassi and punta della dogana, damien hirst reveals the monumental project he’s been working on for almost 10 years. ‘treasures from the wreck of the unbelievable’ is hirst’s most ambitious and complex project to date. the exhibition revolves around the narrative of a fictional, ancient ship wreck called the ‘unbelievable’, and reveals the underwater discovery of its precious cargo.

damien hirst treasures
hydra and kali discovered by four divers
photo by christoph gerigk | all images © damien hirst and science ltd. all rights reserved, DACS/SIAE 2017



hirst posits that the collection of objects belonged to a freed slave named aulus calidius amotan — a legendary figure known for his vast fortune. amotan’s priceless collection included sculptures, jewels, coins and goods from every corner of the globe. on its journey to asit mayor, a temple dedicated to the sun, the ship sank, leaving its precious cargo at the bottom of the sea.

damien hirst treasures
demon with bowl (exhibition enlargement)
photo by prudence cuming associates



hirst’s historical drama unfolds across palazzo grassi and punta della dogana in venice, displaying the objects found during the ‘underwater excavation’. curated by elena geuna, the exhibition includes coral-covered statuettes of mythological figures, larger-than-life sized remnants of stone sculptures, and a collection of vessels from the wreck, alongside photographic documentation of the subaquatic expedition.

damien hirst treasures
(left to right) hydra and kali (two versions), hydra and kali beneath the waves (photography christoph gerigk)
photo by prudence cuming associates

damien hirst treasures
photo by prudence cuming associates

damien hirst treasures
skull of a cyclops
photo by prudence cuming associates

damien hirst treasures
skull of a cyclops, skull of a cyclops examined by a diver (photography christoph gerigk)
photo by prudence cuming associates

damien hirst treasures
photo by prudence cuming associates

damien hirst treasures
remnants of apollo
photo by prudence cuming associates

damien hirst treasures
aspect of katie ishtar ¥o-landi
photo by prudence cuming associates

damien hirst treasures
a collection of vessels from the wreck of the unbelievable
photo by prudence cuming associates

damien hirst unearths 'treasures from the wreck of the unbelievable' in venice
the severed head of medusa
photo by prudence cuming associates

damien hirst unearths 'treasures from the wreck of the unbelievable' in venice
the sadness
photo by prudence cuming associates

damien hirst unearths 'treasures from the wreck of the unbelievable' in venice
unknown pharaoh (detail)
photo by prudence cuming associates