expolight turns old factory chimneys into digital 'light flowers' in ukraine

expolight turns old factory chimneys into digital 'light flowers' in ukraine


expolight unveils ‘dnipro light flowers’ art installation 


in the ukrainian city of dnipro, thirteen idle pipes belonging to an old factory site were kept intact for many years. recently, local studio expolight has revitalized 5 of those plant chimneys — converting them into ‘a new image of digital blossoming flowers’. the chimneys now serve as part of a post-industrial art installation called the ‘dnipro light flowers’, featuring pixel lights, lasers, and wireless synchronization.


winner of the 2021 lighting design awards, this intervention symbolizes the city’s development strategy; such a large-scale installation will inevitably attract tourists and pump new life into the urban fabric, argues the studio. eventually, all thirteen chimneys will take part in the project — turning into a real technological garden that covers a distance of 7km, visible from the right side of the dnipro riverbank.

expolight converted old factory chimneys into digital flowers of hope 1
all images via expolight



real-time digital light show that caters to any theme or event


expolight (view works here) covered the pipes with 2,500 pixel lights and installed 60W lasers on top of each — creating a color scale and lighting dynamic that cater to any show, event, and holiday. twice a week, for example, a 5-minute laser light show accompanied by music can be watched from two main observation platforms that the studio built with audio equipment for visitors to enjoy. 


once the show begins, ‘light, lasers, and sound are launched simultaneously in real-time through the sophisticated software we developed for wireless synchronization across the river,’  shares expolight. 

expolight converted old factory chimneys into digital flowers of hope 2


beside the 5-minute laser show, the installation can take on a particular theme to honor certain events — both locally and internationally. on one occasion, the pipes displayed thematic colors in support of patients with rare diseases worldwide. similarly, the five monoliths were once lit as a memorial candle to commemorate victims of the 2014 revolution of dignity in kyiv.


but there’s more. regular citizens can also participate in an individual launch of the ‘dnipro light flowers’ — with the sole condition that they donate on a web application to help sick children. the application can be accessed via the viewing platforms by scanning a QR code. ‘these launches will be not only incredibly spectacular but also important for those who need help,’ reflects expolight. 


expolight converted old factory chimneys into digital flowers of hope 3

expolight converted old factory chimneys into digital flowers of hope 4

dnipro light flowers



dnipro light flowers

dnipro light flowers




project info:


name: dnipro light flowers

location: dnipro, ukraine
program: post-industrial art installation 

design: expolight / nikolay kabluka
awards: 2021 lighting design awards



designboom has received this project from our DIY submissions feature, where we welcome our readers to submit their own work for publication. see more project submissions from our readers here.


edited by: lea zeitoun | designboom


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