for his latest work, french-portuguese artist filipe vilas-boas has taken to the streets of lisbon with a giant blue ‘f’ to perform ‘carrying the cross’. conceived as a commentary on social media, the piece aims to stimulate discussion of issues surrounding digital platforms such as privacy, data, surveillance and algorithm biases.

filipe vilas-boas takes 'carrying the cross' of facebook to the streets of lisbon

‘carrying the cross’ public performance in the streets of lisbon

all images wendy crockett



beginning his journey from the zaratan contemporary art gallery in lisbon, vilas-boas then bears the ‘cross’ as he walks through the streets, eventually arriving on top of a hill in the city’s jardim da estrela. at this point, the artist raises the giant ‘f’ for its symbolic crucifixion, marking the pinnacle moment of the performance.

filipe vilas-boas takes 'carrying the cross' of facebook to the streets of lisbon

taking the cross out of the gallery at zaratan arte contemporânea



constructed from timber and nails and measuring 340 x 200 x 30 cm, the sculpture is also part of vilas-boas’ solo show ‘EDEN’ at the zaratan arte contemporânea gallery. born in 1981, the self-taught conceptual artist works on a variety of projects that question society’s use of digital media platforms and its political, social and environmental repercussions.

filipe vilas-boas takes 'carrying the cross' of facebook to the streets of lisbon

locals following the departure of vilas-boas’ performance

filipe vilas-boas takes 'carrying the cross' of facebook to the streets of lisbon

climbing up the hill


video by zaratan arte contemporânea

filipe vilas-boas takes 'carrying the cross' of facebook to the streets of lisbon

the cross is almost there in lisbon’s jardim da estrela

filipe vilas-boas takes 'carrying the cross' of facebook to the streets of lisbon

the final part of the performance – the ‘f’ ready for cruxifiction

filipe vilas-boas takes 'carrying the cross' of facebook to the streets of lisbon

the sculpture is part of vilas-boas’ solo show ‘EDEN’ at the zaratan arte contemporânea gallery in lisbon



project info:


project name: ‘carrying the cross’

type: performance art

location: lisbon

artist: filipe vilas-boas

photography: wendy crockett

video: zaratan arte contemporânea


designboom has received this project from our ‘DIY submissions‘ feature, where we welcome our readers to submit their own work for publication. see more project submissions from our readers here.


edited by: lynne myers | designboom