frédéric doazan cosmetically concocts a surgically enhanced supervenus
all images courtesy of frédéric doazan




the story of ‘supervenus’ unfolds frame-by-frame in a hilarious and horrifying sequence of scenes. the darkly humorous short film by french experimental filmmaker and animator frédéric doazan puts the viewer in place of a deranged plastic surgeon who, in real time, cosmetically creates ‘the new goddess of beauty.’


rendered as if torn from the pages of a vintage medical book, the movie opens with a drawn female figure probed and poked at by human surgical hands looming above. needles enlarge her cheekbones and remove girth from her neck, while scalpels slenderize and dissect her bodily anatomy. leg lengthening, sun tanning, breast enhancing, hair transplanting and brain lobotomizing ensues, finally forming a cosmetically-concocted, make-up painted personality that could hardly be considered human — and it doesn’t end there. see supervenus’ demise in the full feature below, and a look at doazan’s process in making the video at the bottom of the page. 



video courtesy of autourdeminuit

the first frame depicts a female figure about to go under the knife 

‘supervenus’ is probed at by needles and scalpels that slenderize her neck and enlarge her lips 

the figure is put into a sun tanning bed that changes the hue of her skin 

as the surgery continues, the ‘supervenus’ is lobotomized and her brain turns hot pink 

a barely-human figure results from the overdone cosmetic concoctions 

at the end, ‘supervenus’ self implodes in a spark, while her limbs fall off from over enhancement 



‘making-of supervenus’
video courtesy of autourdeminuit



project info:


title: supervenus
date: november 2013
duration: 2’38
format: .mov (pro res 422 or h264) 
DCP resolution : 1280/720
direction & animation: frédéric doazan 
sound design: vandy roc


‘supervenus’ has been made for a animation project called in collaboration with friends and animators paul rodrigues and sylvain cappelletto.