ivan navarro: eco and horizon
‘eco 1 (cherry)’, by iván navarro,
neon light, bass drum, mirror, one-way mirror and electric energy
36 (diameter) x 14 inches; 91.4 (diameter) x 35.6 cm
all images courtesy paul kasmin gallery and the artist

continuing in the same vain as his one way mirror ‘bed’ installation featured in the chilean pavilion at the 2009 venice art biennale,
brooklyn-based artist iván navarro has created ‘eco 1 (cherry)’ and ‘horizion’. the two neon light sculptures were both developed in 2011
and have been composed as patterned fluorescent installations on display at paul kasmin gallery in new york city, USA. 

as the viewer looks down into the unpeeled drum of ‘eco 1 (cherry)’, resting upon the gallery floor, he/she is able to peer through
a precisely-positioned one-way mirror in order to see the word ‘eco’ scrawled in bright tube-lighting material. due to the interaction of
the see-through mirrors, an illusion is created as the word seems to be multiplied in an endlessly echoed descent into a darkness.

ivan navarro: eco and horizon
‘eco 1 (cherry)’ details

I like words that have two sides, one very ambiguous and one very objective. it’s interesting to get better in the language and try
to understand the poetic side of a word. sometimes you get completely lost in the word you’re using
.’ -iván navarro

ivan navarro: eco and horizon
exterior drum of ‘eco 1 (cherry)’

ivan navarro: eco and horizon
‘horizon’, 2011
neon light, paint, sintra and electric energy
17 1/4 x 17 1/4 x 4 inches; 43.8 x 43.8 x 10.2 cm

all images courtesy paul kasmin gallery and the artist

‘horizion’ is comprised of a maze-like system of painted-black tube neon-tube lighting oriented in a square. the tilted diamond piece
is displayed flat against a wall, the four exterior sides influencing the surrounding environment in a subtle fade of extended lines of light.

ivan navarro: eco and horizon
detailed view of ‘horizon’