honoring some of the most dramatic scenery on earth, designer jared zaugg proposes an outdoor museum exhibition ‘porsches in nature.’ the multi-disciplinary artist seeks to express the spirit of travel, adventure, and exploration by freeing the typical auto show from the confines of interior space. instead, the show will display a collection of iconic porsche models against an endless horizon, inviting its viewers to discover the boundless and sublime landscape that these cars are meant to occupy.

jared zaugg's 'porsches in nature' exhibition will celebrate the spirit of travel in utah
images by jared zaugg | @jaredzaugg



jared zaugg proposes the ‘porsches in nature’ exhibition as a reminder that the automobile is a representation of personal freedom and should not be confined. the show is envisioned to feature a selection of influential porsches within an otherworldly landscape, where the viewer’s sense of scale is obscured by the infinite expanse of red desert and landforms which make up the canyonlands of utah. the designer comments: ‘it’s informed by a mashup of influences but it’s a concept totally unique. drawing on elements from the guggenheim museum, petersen auto museum, desert X and christo environmental art, it engages the act of travel, discovery and experience — the very qualities automobiles represent.’

jared zaugg's 'porsches in nature' exhibition will celebrate the spirit of travel in utah



the core of jared zaugg’s ‘porsches in nature’ will be a single marque exhibition of 30 iconic models displayed where the landscape backdrop is as much a draw as the exhibits themselves. the vessels in which the cars are to be displayed are transparent UV-blocking boxes, which ensure both complete protection and security and introduce an optical fishbowl effect. the proposal seeks to hybridize modern art, industrial art, environmental art, and fine art. the cars will be displayed at intervals along a 5-10 mile section of winding scenic roadway among the canyonlands near moab, utah. while accessible to anyone with any kind of automobile, the graded secondary road will require attendees to download directions. duration of the exhibition is estimated at three to four months, to launch in spring 2022.

jared zaugg's 'porsches in nature' exhibition will celebrate the spirit of travel in utah jared zaugg's 'porsches in nature' exhibition will celebrate the spirit of travel in utah jared zaugg's 'porsches in nature' exhibition will celebrate the spirit of travel in utah



project info:


project title: porsches in nature

artist: jared zaugg | @jaredzaugg