jennifer steinkamp at lehmann maupin‘daisy bell’ by jennifer steinkamp, 2008



daisy bell
at: lehmann maupin, 201 chrystie street gallery, new york
from: september 7 – november 1, 2008


los angeles-based artist jennifer steinkamp is known for using sate-of-the-art equipment and software  to create her digitally animated projections.  she marries her work with the architecture of the gallery to create a creepy environment.  her most current project ‘daisy bell’,  is a series of projections comprised of different poisonous flowers which appear to be cascading down the walls of the gallery. the piece is a reference to the historic moment of science and culture in 1962, when bell labs used IBM 704
to synthesize the popular 19th century english song with the same name.  just like bell lab’s daisy bell dealt with human application reinterpreting nature, steinkamp reprises the idea and defines her daisy bell by its relationship to human innovations, which was once considered a heinous activity.

jennifer steinkamp at lehmann maupin ‘it’s a nice day for a white wedding’ by jennifer steinkamp, 2008


jennifer steinkamp at lehmann maupin ‘it’s a nice day for a white wedding’ by jennifer steinkamp, 2008

jennifer steinkamp at lehmann maupin ‘humerus’ by jennifer steinkamp, 2008
