onformative’s ‘true/false’ is a kinetic light sculpture composed of arrays of circular black metal segments set in mechanical columns. interlocking and rotating around fluorescent light tubes, the cylinders cover or expose the light to display an endless number of patterns. the transformation of the sculpture is based on the shifting elements and their correlation to each other. as the segments do not move independently, for any of the cylinders on a column to change, the segments affected must work in unison to achieve the command.

onformative's kinetic light sculpture reveals the beauty hidden within a basic algorithm
‘true/false’ is a machine that reveals images according to its algorithm



german based studio onformative‘s ‘true/false’ is a machine that constantly generates instructions to reveal images and assigned patterns according to its algorithm. it visualizes the computational process and exposes the implementation of these commands. as the piece transforms into the assigned motif, it completes the procedure and continues on to the next task. it is a veritable machine at work as it executes instructions and makes the algorithm and transformation between the images visible. akin to the mythology of sisyphus, this labor is perpetual and never-ending. reminiscent of devices originally used for calculations, such as turing machines, the sound originates from the mechanical movement of the moving parts thus making the algorithm audible.

onformative's kinetic light sculpture reveals the beauty hidden within a basic algorithm
the moving parts display an endless number of patterns



the rhythm of ‘true/false’ is captivating as variations in the visual choreography result in distinctive changes in its soundscape. through the generation of algorithmic patterns and the repetition of endless tasks, onformative’s installation transforms itself into something more than the sum of its elements to reveal the beauty hidden within a basic algorithm.

onformative's kinetic light sculpture reveals the beauty hidden within a basic algorithm
onformative’s latest project is a kinetic light sculpture


true/false – kinetic light installation 
video by onformative

onformative's kinetic light sculpture reveals the beauty hidden within a basic algorithm
the piece makes the transformation between the images visible

onformative's kinetic light sculpture reveals the beauty hidden within a basic algorithm
the labor of the machine is endless

onformative's kinetic light sculpture reveals the beauty hidden within a basic algorithm
the machine completes its assigned procedure and moves on to the next task

onformative's kinetic light sculpture reveals the beauty hidden within a basic algorithm
the rhythm of ‘true/false’ is captivating as the piece transforms into more than the sum of its elements

onformative's kinetic light sculpture reveals the beauty hidden within a basic algorithm
the columns are controlled by motors at the base of the sculpture

onformative's kinetic light sculpture reveals the beauty hidden within a basic algorithm
each array is set in mechanical columns

onformative's kinetic light sculpture reveals the beauty hidden within a basic algorithm
the cylinders rotate to cover or expose the light

onformative's kinetic light sculpture reveals the beauty hidden within a basic algorithm
fluorescent lights are set in acrylic tubes

onformative's kinetic light sculpture reveals the beauty hidden within a basic algorithm
for any of the segments to move, the arrays must work in unison



designboom has received this project from our ‘DIY submissions‘ feature, where we welcome our readers to submit their own work for publication. see more project submissions from our readers here.


edited by: apostolos costarangos | designboom