SpY's divided luminous sphere emits intense bright light in athens

SpY's divided luminous sphere emits intense bright light in athens

SpY installs divided red sphere in Athens, Greece


On the occasion of the public digital art exhibition ‘Plásmata: Bodies, Dreams, and Data’ in Athens, Spanish urban artist SpY installs a divided luminous sphere at the Pedion tou Areos park of the Greek metropolis. Named ‘Divided’, the artwork takes shape as a huge illuminated sphere split into two identical halves. The piece emits an intense red hue shining through the scaffolding cage that envelops it. Viewers can traverse the space between the two sections, immersing themselves in a bright corridor and thus becoming a part of the artwork.


Commissioned and produced by Onassis Stegi, the Plásmata: Bodies, Dreams, and Data exhibition features artworks by Refik Anadol, Kimchi and Chips, and Dries Verhoeven, among others.


international artist spy installs a huge luminous artwork as part of plasmata exhibition in athens 1
SpY installs ‘Divided’ at Pedion tou Areos park in Athens

all images by Ruben PB



A luminous metaphor for togetherness


Each part of the installation is enclosed within a metal framework made of scaffolding similar to what is typically utilized in construction. The work by urban and public artist SpY serves as a luminous metaphor for togetherness, reflecting on the significance of the relationship between the different individuals that inhabit planet Earth. The fundamental premise of the project is that differences should be understood not as separation but as complementarity. In this way, mutual rejection will be more easily laid aside, and the qualities of one element will emphasize those of the other.

international artist spy installs a huge luminous artwork as part of plasmata exhibition in athens 2
each part of the installation is enclosed within a metal framework

international artist spy installs a huge luminous artwork as part of plasmata exhibition in athens 4
the installation serves as a luminous metaphor for togetherness

international artist spy installs a huge luminous artwork as part of plasmata exhibition in athens 5
viewers can traverse the space between the two sections, immersing themselves in a bright corridor

international-artist-spy-installs-a-huge-luminous-artwork-as-part-of-plasmata-exhibition-in-athens-2-62be042dda14d (2)

the artwork takes shape as a huge illuminated sphere split into two identical halves

international-artist-spy-installs-a-huge-luminous-artwork-as-part-of-plasmata-exhibition-in-athens-3-62be042dda161 (1)

the piece emits an intense red hue shining through the scaffolding cage that envelops it



project info:



name: Divided
designer: SpY

exhibition: Plásmata: Bodies, Dreams, and Data
Onassis Stegi
curatorial direction: Afroditi Panagiotakou
curation: Irini Mirena Papadimitriou, FutureEverything
exhibition design: Studio Entropia architects



designboom has received this project from our ‘DIY submissions‘ feature, where we welcome our readers to submit their own work for publication. see more project submissions from our readers here.


edited by: myrto katsikopoulou | designboom

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