regarding designboom’s discussion on portfolio sites my point of view (15 yrs as freelancer and consultant). i have my portfolio site online since 1995, i ‘m design consultant online and offline for several italian firms and responsible for corporate image and branding. well, NONE of my jobs came from somebody looking at my portfolio.all came from people talking with people etc.. Also, in last months , i decided that maybe ,with the skills i have and the experience , i could try to move outside of italy and seeking new and stimulating perspectives (here the trend in visual communication is more and more conservative and mannerist) so i took a look for jobs in EU.. results:zero then i applied at Aquent ( they make a deep screening of your skills and experiences,and after they decide IF you’re good enough to be an Aquent Talent , if YES, they assign you an agent that should search and propose jobs to you) i passed all the stages and i’m an Aquent Talent now, with my Aquent ID, my job centre and my agent.. i’ve read of colleagues in USA working this way with good results, but i think that in EU something is different. maybe ther’s an overflood of good designers, and maybe Aquent system doesnt function same way than in USA, probally for the market attitude.. -you MUST be famous, MUST be at 10km range, you MUST be young, you MUST be inexpensive etc 🙂 i dont know, but surely  is really difficult to find a job via a post in EU.. and even more in Italy. if DB would act as a board for this, seems a good try, but i’m afraid that the situation here is difficult to change. the conservativeness of the market, and sometime the lack of specific knowledge (i.e. i’ve met several marketing directors ,and even senior art directors for whom the  BEST  idea of design is a web hp with tons of moving animations and no skip button.. or a logo reproducible ONLY in CMYK.. or a magazine ad all filled-up with words because ” ..we pay for ALL the page, so fill it”  or worst of all ” i pay so you do what i want” ) make this a long-term effort. but, i repeat, i completely agree with the idea of a job board. regards — Gian Nicola Maestro