In-es.artdesign is an Italian lighting design company, founded in 2003, that merges an artistic sensibility with design know. Its products are both functional and layered, many of them evoking such natural or existential phenomena as the waxing and waning of the moon, or the passing of time.
The name In-es.artdesign is two-fold. On the one hand it stands for both interior and exterior (i.e. In-es.artdesign produces lighting for outdoors as well as indoors) but the name also plays with the idea of the external world of aesthetics and beauty, versus the far more intimate, instinctive and primitive world of the Freudian id (Es) says Oçilunam (lead designer of the compay). When asked where the inspiration for the objects comes from in the main he is equally enigmatic and compelling. “They happen by chance in the true Dadaist sense of the word,” he says. “Chance with its divine imperfections and the corrosive and smoothing intervention of time and its passing.”

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