japanese company nitto develops HARU, an adhesive tape that sticks to all kinds of surfaces, from furniture, to walls, floors and even skateboards. the tape makes it easy to bring color to interiors while it can be peeled off without leaving a trace.

adhesive tape by nitto offers endless possibilities to bring color to interiors
HARU tapes create wall art piece


HARU stuck-on design comes in eight different color families, different patterns (some traditional, some graphic, some transparent), different kinds of materials (some tougher for floor use), and four different widths. already a red dot design award winner, the tape will be launched in the UK during clerkenwell design week in the end of may.

adhesive tape by nitto offers endless possibilities to bring color to interiors
the tape can easily alter the appearance of spaces

adhesive tape by nitto offers endless possibilities to bring color to interiors
HARU can be applied on any kind of surface




adhesive tape by nitto offers endless possibilities to bring color to interiors
it comes in a variety of patterns and widths

adhesive tape by nitto offers endless possibilities to bring color to interiors
it can be used by professionals or individuals

adhesive tape by nitto offers endless possibilities to bring color to interiors
the tape provides endless possibilities

adhesive tape by nitto offers endless possibilities to bring color to interiors

adhesive tape by nitto offers endless possibilities to bring color to interiorsthe tape selection

adhesive tape by nitto offers endless possibilities to bring color to interiors
the different tape rolls

adhesive tape by nitto offers endless possibilities to bring color to interiors



designboom has received this project from our ‘DIY submissions‘ feature, where we welcome our readers to submit their own work for publication. see more project submissions from our readers here.


edited by: sofia lekka angelopoulou | designboom