‘compound’ coffee table by apiwat chitapanya is an adaptable furniture piece which can be expanded or reduced according to the preferences of the user. a mixture of contrasting features have been combined in order to present an alternative dialogue between intersecting elements. all of these parts are intended so that the viewer can establish their own order and hierarchy within the design. 

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apiwat chitapanya’s design consists of polished brass legs and wooden tops with the addition of bowl-shaped sections which can be used for smaller items. the coffee table can also be complimented with additional pieces such as vases and other decorative elements so that the user can create a system which is suited to their aesthetic taste and personal use. the overall intention was to create a furniture piece based on the foundation of geometric shapes which would dictate the structure and order of the assemblage.

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apiwat chitapanya's compound table uses intersecting elements

apiwat chitapanya's compound table uses intersecting elements

apiwat chitapanya's compound table uses intersecting elements

apiwat chitapanya's compound table uses intersecting elements



designboom has received this project from our ‘DIY submissions‘ feature, where we welcome our readers to submit their own work for publication. see more project submissions from our readers here.


edited by: hollie smith | designboom