a proud dog owner decided to pet his pups rube goldberg style. yes, there are a frightening number of oscillating wooden cogs, but all is well on this german shepherd’s yawning face — and he isn’t the only dog getting in on the fun either.

automated wooden dog petter contraption satisfies german shepherd
multiple wooden cogs were constructed into an automated dog petter 
gifs by designboom, via viralhog video



this story was first cited on viralhog‘s youtube channel. the video featured no context other than a quote from its submitter and assumed inventor, ‘humans have massage chairs, so why shouldn’t our pets have petting machines. I gave it a rube goldberg style flare to make it interesting to watch.’

automated wooden dog petter contraption satisfies german shepherd
the contraption allows two wooden hands to simultaneously move and pet the pup

automated wooden dog petter contraption satisfies german shepherd
the designer might not have considered smaller dogs…but they can be easily picked up to access the device
screenshot via viralhog