chinese farmer builds a fully-functioning suitcase scooter
(above) image via CRI online




he liangcai, a former farmer in china, has built a battery-powered suitcase scooter, which transports himself and his belongings simultaneously. the vehicle comprises a stripped-down electric scooter embedded into a suitcase, situated in such a way that the rider straddles the handbag and uses it as a seat, all the while being able to drive normally. the resident of the hunan province spent the last 10 years on the cruiser’s conception and completion, and has recently demonstrated his invention at the changsha train station, china radio international reports. his luggage mobile weighs 7 kgs and is capable of carrying two people at speeds up to 20 km/hour for a distance of about 50 km, before needed to be recharged.

the luggage cruiser transports the man around the city
image via CRI online

chinese farmer builds a fully functioning suitcase scooter
the suitcase is fitted in such a way that the rider straddles the bag and uses it as a seat
image via CRI online


h/t [boingboing]