cho jae-weon, an urban and environmental engineering professor at the ulsan national institute of science and technology (UNIST), has developed an effective waste recovery system. he designed beevi, an eco-friendly toilet linked to a laboratory that uses excrement to produce biogas and manure.

beevi toilet turns human waste into cryptocurrency and power
image courtesy of ulsan national institute of science and technology / cho jae-weon



the beevi toilet by professor cho jae-weon – a hybrid of the words bee and vision – uses a vacuum pump to send feces into an underground tank, reducing water use. there, microorganisms break down the waste to methane, which becomes a source of energy. so, with each passage to the toilet, the defections of the students provide power for the university, running a gas stove, hot-water boiler, and solid oxide fuel cell.

beevi toilet turns human waste into cryptocurrency and power




if we think out of the box, feces has precious value to make energy and manure. I have put this value into ecological circulation,’ professor cho said. an average person defecates about 500g a day, which can be converted to 50 liters of methane gas, the environmental engineer said. this gas can generate 0.5kwh of electricity or be used to drive a car for about 1.2km (0.75 miles).

beevi toilet turns human waste into cryptocurrency and power



professor cho created these revolutionary toilets with a counterpart for the students. he came up with a virtual currency called ggool, which means honey in korean. each person using the eco-friendly toilet earns 10 ggool a day. students can use the currency to buy goods on campus, from coffee to instant cup noodles, fruits and books. the students can pick up the goods they want at a shop and scan a QR code to pay with ggool.



project info:


name: beevi toilet

designer: cho jae-weon