designboom opens courses for academia


To support academia institutes in attracting global applications, designboom launches its dedicated courses platform. It is a one-stop destination for schools to promote new programs to an international design audience, enable perspective students in finding the perfect next chapter of education, and connect both institute and individual directly.


Secure your next graduate or course today, here.


designboom launches courses platform to connect academia and students
designboom launches a dedicated courses platform in the ‘participate’ top toolbar – find here



course entries on article, newsletter, and socials


Located in the ‘participate’ toolbar at the top of our homepage, designboom showcases new courses to our 3.5m+ average readers per month, 250,000+ newsletter subscribers, and multi-millions of followers on socials. Since launching in 2023, the platform has connected our community of prospective students with an array of the world’s leading academia institutes, schools, and universities, such as Domus Academy, IE University School of Architecture and DesignMy Archischool, and YACademy.

designboom launches courses platform to connect academia and students
Academic Institutes can promote a new course entry, including course details, application criteria, and external URLs (example: Master of Arts in Transdisciplinary Design by IED)



Each new course receives its own page on the platform, including key imagery and information on course title, description, and both application and term dates. A call-to-action then enables interested readers to engage directly with the institute by clicking through to their own website. Every entry is communicated in designboom’s daily newsletter (75,000 registered recipients to date) and Facebook, Twitter, and LinkedIn social channels (collectively 2.4-million followers to date) to maximize connections.


Secure your next graduate or course today, here.