kenya hara's experience japan pictograms: 280 icons to support tourism

kenya hara's experience japan pictograms: 280 icons to support tourism

one of the biggest considerations when traveling to japan is its inscrutable language. aware of this, and knowing that its national pictogram system has a reputation for being unfriendly to foreigners, the nippon design center has launched experience japan pictograms — a collection of 280 icons developed to support tourism in japan from a visual design perspective.

these pictograms have been created to support tourism in japam
images courtesy of nippon design center



by providing functional and well-designed icons, the experience japan pictograms aim to help as many tourists as possible. their universal aesthetic, both simple and user-friendly, allows users to quickly capture and understand the essence of japanese tourism. in addition, each pictogram has been designed to work on different media, allowing for a broad range of applications. all the materials are free for use — personal, business, commercial, or non-profit — as long as the user complies with the terms of use.

these pictograms have been created to support tourism in japam
image by takaya sakano



most pictograms are provided with information, giving users a glimpse into the everyday life and history of japan. just go to the webpage, click on them, and enjoy a column story. if you’re currently in tokyo, the experience japan pictograms are on show at VISUALIZE 60 vol.2 — an exhibition commemorating the 60th anniversary of nippon design center until april 16, 2021.

kenya hara's experience japan pictograms: 280 icons to support tourism

kenya hara's experience japan pictograms: 280 icons to support tourism

kenya hara's experience japan pictograms: 280 icons to support tourism

kenya hara's experience japan pictograms: 280 icons to support tourism


kenya hara's experience japan pictograms: 280 icons to support tourism

kenya hara's experience japan pictograms: 280 icons to support tourism

kenya hara's experience japan pictograms: 280 icons to support tourism



project info:


name: experience japan pictograms

planning and production: nippon design center

led by: kenya hara

art direction: daigo daiko

number of pictograms: 280 (additional pictograms will be accepted on an ongoing basis)

download pictograms: here

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