italian designer fabio meliota’s latest mirror collection for furniture company da a is ‘almost a tribute to artist joseph beuys, who’s actions of digging furrows into the earth to sow seeds are well known’. meliota’s project is a series of shovel shaped mirrors including three different forms, and is made of of metal with a matte black finish, bronze and brass.

fabio meliota's excavating shovel mirrors pay tribute to joseph beuys
joseph’s mirrors collection includes three different shapes of shovels
all images by iacopo pasqui



‘the shovel,’ explains fabio meliota, ‘as a symbol of the intimate relationship between man and nature, becomes in this project a mirror in which to reflect ourselves and a opportunity to be reflected in the ‘nature”. joseph’s mirrors is an aesthetic centerpiece as well as a functional object designed to express the intimate relationship between man and nature.

fabio meliota's excavating shovel mirrors pay tribute to joseph beuys
the project is inspired by joseph beuys’ performance

fabio meliota's excavating shovel mirrors pay tribute to joseph beuys
the shovel is a symbol of the intimate relationship between man and nature

fabio meliota's excavating shovel mirrors pay tribute to joseph beuys
the mirrors are made of of metal with a matte black finish, bronze and brass.

fabio meliota's excavating shovel mirrors pay tribute to joseph beuys
they have been thought of as indoor wall-standing mirrors

fabio meliota's excavating shovel mirrors pay tribute to joseph beuys
mirrors pictured with opaque black finish

fabio meliota's excavating shovel mirrors pay tribute to joseph beuys
joseph’s mirrors is an aesthetic centerpiece as well as a functional object



designboom has received this project from our ‘DIY submissions‘ feature, where we welcome our readers to submit their own work for publication. see more project submissions from our readers here.


edited by: lynn chaya | designboom