if you’ve ever felt dissatisfied with the coffee from your local and thought you might be better off just making it yourself, or if you’re just keen on learning the ins and outs of brewing the perfect cup, goat story’s newest smart coffee instrument might be what you’re looking for. called GINA, the new device from goat story links up with your smart phone or tablet and helps you perfect your brewing technique to ensure you get the coffee that’s right for you.





having previously created a goat horned coffee mug, goat story’s newest offering is the just the latest in a series of coffee-makers helping to digitize the morning routine. GINA — designed by luka pirnat — makes the process as smooth as possible by tracking all the brewing data and guiding you through the various steps. GINA’s design incorporates three different methods of brewing: immersion, for a richer body; classic pour, for a fuller flavor; and cold drip, for refreshingly chilly caffeine. the entire process is guided by GINA’s built in app, which walks you through the various measurements and timing procedures involved. once you’ve found the perfect brew, you can save it to the app and repeat it later on. of course, as a smart device GINA also lets you share your recipe with friends, or borrow the formula of others.

goat story's GINA is the smart coffee maker that helps you craft a perfect brew
GINA puts the focus on craft rather than convenience



while many smart coffee makers don’t have the best reputation when it comes to quality, GINA puts the focus on craft rather than convenience and encourages you to take an active role in the process. designed with durability in mind, GINA is anchored by a steel frame and built in scale which stabilizes the unit. the funnel is ceramic, and is designed for optimal insulation while the pitcher and drip module are both crafted of high quality glass. charging GINA using a micro-usb will provide you with up to 15 hours of uninterrupted brewing time, giving your plenty of time to get your technique just right.


GINA will be available to purchase on kickstarter from october 18th 2016.

goat story's GINA is the smart coffee maker that helps you craft a perfect brew
the device is designed with durability in mind

goat story's GINA is the smart coffee maker that helps you craft a perfect brew
the pitcher and drip module are both crafted of high quality glass

goat story's GINA is the smart coffee maker that helps you craft a perfect brew
charging GINA using a micro-usb will provide you with up to 15 hours of uninterrupted brewing time

goat story's GINA is the smart coffee maker that helps you craft a perfect brew
the unit is anchored by a steel frame and built in scale

goat story's GINA is the smart coffee maker that helps you craft a perfect brew
GINA’s design incorporates three different methods of brewing: immersion, classic pour and cold brew

goat story's GINA is the smart coffee maker that helps you craft a perfect brew
formulas can be shared with the community

goat story's GINA is the smart coffee maker that helps you craft a perfect brew
GINA’s built in app will guide you through the process step-by-step

goat story's GINA is the smart coffee maker that helps you craft a perfect brew
the specially designed valve helps you accurately control the flow of coffee





goat story's GINA is the smart coffee maker that helps you craft a perfect brew
immersion brewing method


goat story's GINA is the smart coffee maker that helps you craft a perfect brew


GINA is the just the latest in a series of coffee-makers helping to digitize the morning routine

goat story's GINA is the smart coffee maker that helps you craft a perfect brew
the unit comes in three different color routes: steel, white & black



designboom has received this project from our ‘DIY submissions‘ feature, where we welcome our readers to submit their own work for publication. see more project submissions from our readers here.


edited by: peter corboy | designboom