gold cycle one single speed fixed gear by nikolaus hartl for goldencycle
all images courtesy goldencycle




developed for a large new york courier company, german company goldencycle has created ‘gold cycle one’, a single speed fixed gear specifically for professional bike messengers. reduced to its purest form – free from unnecessary clutter and components – it features a classic matte steel frame with gold anodized parts such as a crankset, rims and handlebars that are eight times stronger and protective than traditional aluminum. according to designer nikolaus hartl, ‘no part of the bike was built without prior test runs of over three years and thousands of kilometers.’

gold cycle one single speed fixed gear by nikolaus hartl for goldencycle
goldencycle brake system

gold cycle one single speed fixed gear by nikolaus hartl for goldencycle
goldencycle rim

gold cycle one single speed fixed gear by nikolaus hartl for goldencycle
goldencycle crank

gold cycle one single speed fixed gear by nikolaus hartl for goldencycle
goldencycle handlebar


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