celebrating the release of vapormax technology, NIKE collaborates with award-winning designer h0nh1m for ‘the vision-airs’ project and introduces vaporscape — a state-of-the-art soundscape installation at art central hong kong. the young designer created a method to translate his environment into sound using the latest in bio-mechanical technology.

h0nh1m NIKElab vaporscape designboom
h0nh1m x nikelab presents the vision-airs pavilion



h0nh1m’s vaporscape for NIKElab at art central hong kong is an interactive ambient installation containing four layers of sound. in order to generate music, the product follows a certain criteria — the detection of humidity in a room and the audience’s skin temperature. this prompts the sensors to translate vaporisation rate into sound modulation. 

vaporscape uses biomechanics to generate sound

h0nh1m NIKElab vaporscape designboom
close up of the installation

h0nh1m NIKElab vaporscape designboom
the vaporscape installation is equipped with four sensors

h0nh1m NIKElab vaporscape designboom
testing out the sound installation 

h0nh1m NIKElab vaporscape designboom
h0nh1m’s soundscape performance

h0nh1m NIKElab vaporscape designboom
audience interacting with the installation at art central hong kong

h0nh1m NIKElab vaporscape designboom
audience interacting with the vaporscape



designboom has received this project from our ‘DIY submissions‘ feature, where we welcome our readers to submit their own work for publication. see more project submissions from our readers here.


edited by: lynn chaya | designboom