‘hi toilet’ by kazoo sato/disruption lab team is a public toilet that was installed in hatagaya, shibuya-ku, tokyo last thursday (august 12, 2021) as tokyo toilet project’s 12th addition. the concept of ‘hi toilet’ is to make the experience as contactless and hygienic as possible by using voice commands to give instructions to all actions.

tokyo toilet’s latest addition is contactless and operated using voice commands
all images courtesy of tokyo toilet



kazoo sato/disruption lab team’s inspiration to design a full voice-activated toilet came after thorough research about users’ behaviors in public toilets and how much they avoid hand contact with surfaces. public toilets are known to be unhygienic and can spread germs and viruses especially in times of COVID-19. therefore, by adopting a voice recognition technology, the user can speak to give instructions such as opening the door or flushing the toilet.

tokyo toilet’s latest addition is contactless and operated using voice commands



the spherical shape of the structure has a ceiling height of 4 meters and is helpful in ventilating unpleasant smells effectively. the designers introduced a 24-hour ventilation system that combines natural air supply and mechanical exhausts to help facilitate this process. the designer said that it’s an idea he’s been working on for a long time before covid. he added ‘I think it will be an unprecedented UX in terms of non-contact toilets. it will convey the awesomeness of japanese public toilets to the world.’

tokyo toilet’s latest addition is contactless and operated using voice commands

tokyo toilet’s latest addition is contactless and operated using voice commands

tokyo toilet’s latest addition is contactless and operated using voice commands



project info:


name: hi toilet

designers: kazoo sato/disruption lab team

assistance on structure design: kubo tsushima architects

assistance on voice command: birdman

location: nanago dori park, tokyo