solar-powered crop storage to educational apps: 10 iF SOCIAL IMPACT PRIZE 2022 winners

solar-powered crop storage to educational apps: 10 iF SOCIAL IMPACT PRIZE 2022 winners

if social impact prize 2022 rewards life-changing initiatives


iF Design spotlights significant social initiatives from around the globe through its annual iF SOCIAL IMPACT PRIZE. Since 2017, the award has spread awareness on world issues whilst celebrating the NGOs, foundations, and other philanthropic organizations that combat them. In 2022, 22 of over 1,200 projects entered from 75 countries were awarded a total cash prize of EUR 100,000. Each winner was chosen by the jury based on the United Nations’ Sustainable Development Goals (SDG).


designboom presents 10 winning initiatives of iF SOCIAL IMPACT PRIZE 2022, from solar-powered crop storage to educational apps.

solar-powered crop storage to educational apps: 10 iF SOCIAL IMPACT PRIZE 2022 winners
Landesa / Advancing Rural Land Rights in Liberia



In response to Sustainable Development Goals 01: No Poverty, the Landesa project educates locals about legal land rights in Gbarnga, Liberia. Amplio Talking Books, multilingual audio devices, are used to inform thousands of community members, especially women and youths with low levels of education.

solar-powered crop storage to educational apps: 10 iF SOCIAL IMPACT PRIZE 2022 winners
AkoFresh / Solar-powered cold storage extends food shelf life in Ghana



Combatting SDG 02: No Hunger, AkoFresh innovates the post-harvest process with a solar-powered cold storage system that extends the shelf life of perishable crops from five to 21 days. The design helps farmers in Ghana lift themselves out of poverty and stabilize financially.

solar-powered crop storage to educational apps: 10 iF SOCIAL IMPACT PRIZE 2022 winners
Yoga with Refugees and Habibi.Works / Sports program for a happier refugee community in Greece



The project by Habibi and Sport with Refugees responds to SDG 03: Health and Well-being. For refugees in northern Greece, this sports program creates cohesion, community, and also provides joy of life, distraction, and a bright spot in the day. Many activities are led by refugees who have been there for a longer period of time. Sports activities include basketball, volleyball, soccer, climbing, parkour, running, acro-yoga and bodybuilding. 

solar-powered crop storage to educational apps: 10 iF SOCIAL IMPACT PRIZE 2022 winners

Rebirth/ SUD mothers and pregnant women recovery program 



SUD mothers recovery program relates to SDG 04: Health and Welfare. Parvin House is the first center for drug-addicted pregnant women in Iran. The program reunites mother and child, provides recovery services, empowers women, improves physical and mental health, and parenting skills.

solar-powered crop storage to educational apps: 10 iF SOCIAL IMPACT PRIZE 2022 winners
Poderosas Colombia / Project for sex education and more self-determination in Colombia



Fighting against the issues of SDG 04: High Quality Education, Poderosas Colombia designs a comprehensive sexuality education project within the most vulnerable communities in Columbia. Awareness of the value of one’s own body and the associated self-determination of young people are strengthened through an experience-based methodology. 

solar-powered crop storage to educational apps: 10 iF SOCIAL IMPACT PRIZE 2022 winners
Sadanas Innovation Private Limited / Kakshaa-Search Engine for Learning



Sadanas’ App for free learning content promotes equal opportunities in India, relating to SDG 04: High Quality Education. The idea develops a search engine for students, allowing them to more easily find free content on the Internet related to their school’s curriculum. This free app can help narrow the ‘education gap’ between social classes in India.


The Justice Desk / Ending Gender-Based Violence 



The Justice Desk helps the issue of SDG 05: Gender Equality, by creating the Mbokodo & iNtsika yeThemba project. Here, young people in South Africa are supported and trained to recognize human rights violations and discrimination, and to address the root causes of systemic injustice.

solar-powered crop storage to educational apps: 10 iF SOCIAL IMPACT PRIZE 2022 winners
Tools for Life / Support for more independence for women in Kenya



SDG 08: Decent Work and Economic Growth, drove Amani to create support for pregnant women and young mothers, and strengthening their independence. This initiative provides knowledge in sewing to women in Kiberas, Kenya, and provides them with tools and sewing materials. This type of ‘home office’ means that young mothers no longer have to choose between childcare and work.


New Taipei City Government / Happiness Safeguarding Stations



New Taipei City Government are providing cheap meals for disadvantaged children and students in Taiwan, corresponding to SDG 10: Less Inequalities. The Happiness Safeguarding Stations program alleviates hunger in at- risk households. Four major grocery stores in the country initiated and run the program. Over 80,000 meals have been distributed through the program to the end of 2022.

solar-powered crop storage to educational apps: 10 iF SOCIAL IMPACT PRIZE 2022 winners
Pilsēta Cilvēkiem / Sustainable mobility for Ukrainian Refugees



SDG 11: Sustainable Cities and Towns, led to this Latvian project that helps Ukrainian refugees get around the city using sustainable means. Around 600 refugees have already received used bicycles, which have been repaired by volunteers. 



winners info:



organizer: iF Design

date: 2022

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