INSTAMP yuzo azu lexus design award designboom 
INSTAMP allows users to control stamp’s letter form through pressure




for the third year in a row, designboom co-hosted the LEXUS DESIGN AWARD which stands to provide an opportunity for young innovators to showcase their works, while receiving feedback from world renowned professionals in the area of design. 2015 saw more than 1100 applicants from 72 countries, respond to the theme of ‘senses’ culminating in a variety of original ideas.


among the eight honourable mentions is japanese designer yuzo azu, whose project ‘INSTAMP’ plays with people’s emotions through angles and pressures. the collection of silicon stamps depict the western alphabet in simple typography. however, the way in which users position, push and add stress to each one results in an artistic effect express lettering that has a visual similarity to traditional east asian brushwork — offering a sense of discovery and surprise.


INSTAMP lets users control letter form variations through pressure
depending on the pressure applied to ‘INSTAMP’ results in various line weights


INSTAMP lets users control letter form variations through pressure
the ‘INSTAMP’ alphabet


INSTAMP yuzo azu lexus design award
how the letter ‘A’ changes through vertical pushing force

yuzo azu INSTAMP lexus design award designboom
how the letter ‘A’ changes from angle to applied pressure

yuzo azu INSTAMP lexus design award designboom
how the letter ‘A’ changes depending on the number of times it is pressed

INSTAMP lets users control letter form variations through pressure
the structure of ‘INSTAMP’