jerusalem design week investigates the relationship between design and ephemerality

jerusalem design week investigates the relationship between design and ephemerality

Jerusalem design week 2022 opens its doors


From 23 to 30 June 2022, Jerusalem Design Week (JDW) immerses visitors in a wide range of exhibitions, installations, and special projects that explore the ephemerality of design and the design of ephemerality. Set at the Hansen House Center for Design, Media and Technology, JDW’s eleventh Israeli version and sixth international edition showcases the work of more than 150 Israeli and international designers including Reddish studio, Oded Friedland, and Tidhar Zagagi. Each of the projects is focused around this year’s theme ‘For Now’, asking how time can be harnessed for a positive effect in uncertain times.

jerusalem design week investigates the relationship between design and ephemerality
Helter Skelter, Jerusalem Design Week 2021

image by Dor Kedmi (also head image)



a wide range of exhibitions, installations, and special projects


Among the highlights of Jerusalem Design Week (see more here) is a performative project by Italian artist Aldo Giannotti that questions time and repetition. The artist’s diagrammatic style envelops Hansen House, accompanied by an ongoing performance that includes music and dance. Meanwhile, an exhibition titled ‘Clean motion’ and curated by Takeshi Yamamura, Natalia Sanz, Arieh Rosen and Noam Levinger, explores cleaning as part of Japanese culture and the tools used in Japanese cleaning rituals. 

jerusalem design week investigates the relationship between design and ephemerality
The Tea House, Sound Gallery at Hansen House

image by Dor Kedmi



In addition, Istanbul-based design collective Piknik produces real-time illustrations in its signature electric blue style at Haus Hansen. Piknik’s works address the issue of time, with content based on both random and planned conversations. Led by designer Daniel Nahmias, the ‘Matchmaker’ project, now in its fifth year, once again brings together local contemporary designers and artisans from Jerusalem, with a focus on older people. Together, older artisans and younger designers create new objects and stories. Last but not least, an exhibition curated by Shahar Kedem show both new works and antiquities. In partnership with the Israel Antiquities Authority, the exhibition explores the connection between archaeological findings and the stories weaved around them.



The aforementioned projects compose just a small sample of a wide range of the installations, exhibitions, and performances that make up the meta-exhibition which is Jerusalem Design Week. In other events, an automated tarot machine creates algorithmically generated tarot cards, a factory makes shoes for visitors throughout the week, a three-dimensional robot prints an earth structure pre-impregnated with seeds and a soap bubble transforms into an ephemeral crystal ball with the help of a projector. Visitors to Jerusalem Design Week 2022 are in for many more immersive events and exhibitions.

jerusalem design week investigates the relationship between design and ephemerality
Venus of Jaffa, Reddish Studio

image courtesy of Reddish Studio

jerusalem design week investigates the relationship between design and ephemerality
Archaic Learher, Talia Luvaton

image courtesy of Talia Luvaton

jerusalem design week investigates the relationship between design and ephemerality
Just be, Michal Niv

image by Lilach Raz

jerusalem design week investigates the relationship between design and ephemerality
The Fountain Of Aging by Daniel Elkayam and Tamar Dgani

image by Daniel Elkayam


Pencil to pencil, Oded Friedland – image by Oded Friedland

jerusalem design week investigates the relationship between design and ephemerality
Clean Motion – Tools and cleaning movements from Japanese culture

image by Noam Levinger


ERETZ, Liri Septon – image by Nadav Goren


The Joy of the Poor, Sharon Murro – image by Ariel Sharon

jerusalem design week investigates the relationship between design and ephemerality
Pause 04 by Michal Shoshan

image courtesy of Michal Shoshan



project info:


name: Jerusalem Design Week 2022
general management: Smadar Tsook and Ran Wolf, Ran Wolf Ltd.
artistic director: Anat Safran
chief curator: Tal Erez
dates: 23d-30th June 2022
location: Hansen House, 14 Gedalyahu Alon St, Jerusalem, Israel


Jerusalem Design Week was initiated by the Ministry of Jerusalem and Heritage and the Jerusalem Development Authority, and is managed by the Ran Wolf Company.


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