fascinated by josef albers, one of the most influential artists of the 20th century, digital artist leonardo betti’s latest project features nine chromatic experiments connected to typography, as numbers from 1 to 9. the works of albers represents the transition between traditional european art and new american art, and intrigued by his use of colors, betti incorporated several elements in his style.

leonardo betti's digitally layered art influenced by josef albers



‘my intention was to focus on the perception of the color gradients when colors cross each other, which is why I used plexiglass material,’ explains digital artist leonardo betti, ‘preserving each minimal number form’. each digital art piece features layers of colorful plexiglass, evoking an intimate sense of depth and emotion. albers numbers is a personal typographic research that focuses on josef albers optical chromatic experiments.

leonardo betti's digitally layered art influenced by josef albers

leonardo betti's digitally layered art influenced by josef albers

leonardo betti's digitally layered art influenced by josef albers

leonardo betti's digitally layered art influenced by josef albers

leonardo betti's digitally layered art influenced by josef albers

leonardo betti's digitally layered art influenced by josef albers

leonardo betti's digitally layered art influenced by josef albers


leonardo betti's digitally layered art influenced by josef albers



designboom has received this project from our ‘DIY submissions‘ feature, where we welcome our readers to submit their own work for publication. see more project submissions from our readers here.


edited by: lynn chaya | designboom