mustras translates traditional artisanal crafts of sardinia with contemporary expressions

mustras translates traditional artisanal crafts of sardinia with contemporary expressions

translating tradition through contemporary design


Mustras is a humanistic-scientific research on the bases of Sardinian popular culture and its connection to the contemporary through the development of new visual languages. The project culminates as a manifesto founded by a collective of artists and craftsmen, questioning great universal themes using a grammar made up of common objects.


The series includes prototypes that combine traditional artisanal techniques such as hand weaving and ceramics, to create basket cases in rush and natural raffia, minimal tapestries, architectural rugs, and delicate pottery in a new contemporary language. Each work is easily recognizable as part of one’s experience and tools for connecting to one’s territory, and is handcrafted through a sustainable process using local materials and a legacy of tangible and intangible knowledge

mustras translates traditional artisanal crafts of sardinia with contemporary expressions
‘a tale composed in low resolution rather than a contemporary image as ill-defined as they are unreal’

all images courtesy of the author



mustras brings together international designers and artisans


Carried out on an international level, Mustras demonstrates how the term ‘tradition’ can translate past values into a contemporary heritage. The research project brings together traditional Sardinian artisans and local and international artists and designers in a collective reasoning on major contemporary themes through a territory of which each object represents a celebration.


Some of the works present a series of contemporary rugs as architectural projects. As an example of a contemporary city, a dense and infinitely repeated fabric pattern reveals across the surface, interrupted only by a large clearing. The installations feature ‘multiple signs in an ‘analogue score’ abstraction of natural and anthropic phenomena.’ In another piece, a woven pattern reveals ‘a tale composed in low resolution rather than a contemporary image as ill defined as they are unreal.’

mustras translates traditional artisanal crafts of sardinia with contemporary expressions
basket case in rush and natural raffia

mustras translates traditional artisanal crafts of sardinia with contemporary expressions
Mustras’ prototypes that combines traditional artisan techniques in a new contemporary language


mustras translates traditional artisanal crafts of sardinia with contemporary expressions
contemporary vase

mustras translates traditional artisanal crafts of sardinia with contemporary expressions
a humanistic-scientific research on the bases of Sardinian popular culture and its connection to the contemporary

mustras translates traditional artisanal crafts of sardinia with contemporary expressions
‘a dense and infinitely repeated fabric interrupted only by a large clearing’




Prototype that combines traditional artisan techniques in a new contemporary language. Basket case in rush and natural raffia
Prototype that combines traditional artisan techniques in a new contemporary language. Basket case in rush and natural raffia
This rug is an architectural project. A tale composed in low resolution rather than a contemporary image as ill defined as they are unreal.
This rug is an architectural project. A tale composed in low resolution rather than a contemporary image as ill defined as they are unreal.
A prototype that combines a traditional artisan technique of hand weaving in a new contemporary language
A prototype that combines a traditional artisan technique of hand weaving in a new contemporary language
A prototype that combines a traditional artisan technique of hand weaving in a new contemporary language
A prototype that combines a traditional artisan technique of hand weaving in a new contemporary language

project info:


name: Mustras
designers: Giorgia Cadeddu, Martina Carcangiu, Eirini Carera, Francesco Dipierro, Cristian Erdas, Alberto Favero, Fabrizio Felici, Roberta Liscia, Marco Loi, Osama Mansour, Alberto Olmo, Piero Angelo Orecchioni, Miriam Orrù, Giorgios Papaevangeliu, Silvana Sanna, Chiara Secchi



designboom has received this project from our DIY submissions feature, where we welcome our readers to submit their own work for publication. see more project submissions from our readers here.


edited by: ravail khan | designboom

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