architecture studio PARQ envisions cloud maker, a series of giant, volcano-shaped structures that can dim the effect the sun has over ice-cold regions, or precipitate rain over desertified locations, by projecting pure steam into the atmosphere to create bright clouds. to generate the steam, these structures are to be placed on top of oceans, extracting hydrogen and oxygen from the water through electrolysis and burning it up towards the atmosphere through a rocket-shaped converging nozzle.

PARQ's volcanic machines release steam clouds to reverse the effects of global warming
converting sunlight into electricity and water into steam



PARQ has imagined the structures as giant inverted funnels, that capture the gas generated by electrode structures immersed in the water beneath, and then converge it to a combustion chamber with a nozzle on top that injects the gas up to the atmosphere. their exterior shell is composed of photovoltaic panels, generating electricity from the sunlight used to extract hydrogen and oxygen from the water.



‘this is just an idea, as I do not have a scientific background or calculations to back this up,’ notes architect pedro ramalho, partner at PARQ. ‘I am just an architect facing new challenges as we all are. this idea can relate to several studies and theories about climate engineering like aerosol injection or marine cloud brightening. also there are developments being made in the efficiency of water electrolysis.’

PARQ volcano structures release steam clouds to reverse the effects of global warmingmimics a natural process like volcanic clouds

PARQ volcano structures release steam clouds to reverse the effects of global warming

PARQ's volcanic machines release steam clouds to reverse the effects of global warming
placed strategically around the globe would influence the climate of large portions of land



designboom has received this project from our ‘DIY submissions‘ feature, where we welcome our readers to submit their own work for publication. see more project submissions from our readers here.


edited by: sofia lekka angelopoulou | designboom