sumphat gallery and thai researchers craft bio-based leather


In a collaboration between suMphat Gallery in Bangkok and researchers from esteemed Thai universities, Second Life addresses the management of waste from mango processing industries in the region. By giving new purpose to food waste, the team is paving the way for a circular economy, adding value to agricultural waste while fostering sustainable development. Following extensive research and development, the team has devised a new innovative material known as mango bio-leather, which utilizes mango pulps and bacteria, and retains the distinct characteristics of the fruit without the need for polymer additives. The resulting design solutions emerge as organic homewares and accessories, including bio-based mango leatherwear and cooling trays.

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cooling tray made primarily from mango fiber | all images courtesy of the author



from discarded mangoes to bio-leather


Researchers from Khon Kaen University, Mahidol University, and Chulalongkorn University have partnered with Bangkok-based suMphat Gallery to fund and develop innovative design solutions that revalue discarded mangoes that fail to meet industry size and shape requirements. The resulting bio-leather can replace conventional leatherwear products, offering a sustainable alternative that does not compromise on quality or style.

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accessories crafted from mango leather

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mango extracts in the development process

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dry mango skin used in the paper process

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the research team transformed industry waste into functional products

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bio-leather made out of mango waste



project info:


name: Second Life
designer: suMphat Gallery 



designboom has received this project from our DIY submissions feature, where we welcome our readers to submit their own work for publication. see more project submissions from our readers here.


edited by: ravail khan | designboom