‘shapes and sounds’ is a video developed by the designer valerio sommella, the director massimiliano bomba and the sound designer JEAN. the project tells the story of a year’s long collaboration between valerio sommella design studio and alessi.

shapes and sounds by valerio sommella is an ode to form and materials
‘shapes and sounds’ is a video developed by valerio sommella, massimiliano bomba and JEAN



milanese based industrial designer valerio sommella‘s movie explores a kitchen landscape through a tale of images and environmental hi resolution sounds. it is telling the story of each single object with the sounds that it generates during its use.

shapes and sounds by valerio sommella is an ode to form and materials
the project tells the story of a year’s long collaboration between the design studio and alessi

shapes and sounds by valerio sommella is an ode to form and materials
the movie explores a kitchen landscape through a tale of images and environmental hi resolution sounds

shapes and sounds by valerio sommella is an ode to form and materials
it is telling the story of each single object with the sounds that it generates during its use

shapes and sounds by valerio sommella is an ode to form and materials
the kitchen utensils are placed atop native stones

shapes and sounds by valerio sommella is an ode to form and materials
behind the scenes of the short video



designboom has received this project from our ‘DIY submissions‘ feature, where we welcome our readers to submit their own work for publication. see more project submissions from our readers here.


edited by: apostolos costarangos | designboom