’emeco navy bench’ by shawn weiland, an elongated version of the iconic emeco navy chair

created by california-based designer shawn weiland of objeckt creative studio, ’emeco navy bench’ elongates the form of the original emeco chair (commissioned for US naval use in the 1940s) into a form that appears unaltered when viewed from certain vantage points, but distorted from others.

the optical effect at work, anamorphosis, addresses the way that our position and the objects around us affect our perception of the surrounding environment. in ’emeco navy bench’, the polished aluminum accentuates the design’s distortion by the reflections that multiply on the surface.

shawn weiland: emeco navy bench ’emeco navy bench’, blue

shawn weiland: emeco navy bench ’emeco navy bench’, black

shawn weiland: emeco navy bench ’emeco navy bench’, pink