sinato: duras ambient fukuoka store




duras ambient fukuoka is an apparel shop designed by sinato. located in fukuoka, japan, the store is situated in a corner lot of a building. the interior is made up of five L-shaped walls which nest within one another. these dividing structures are used as displays and are randomly distanced, forming both wide and narrow two-way paths within the store.



sinato: duras ambient fukuoka store entrance to the store which is situated in the corner of a building


sinato: duras ambient fukuoka store the distances between the walls are done at random, various sized pathways


sinato: duras ambient fukuoka store a view between the walls


sinato: duras ambient fukuoka storethin L-shaped walls are used to divide up the interior of the store


sinato: duras ambient fukuoka store a model of the L-shaped wall formations



