ramen robotic chefs preparing noodles image courtesy nilab a ramen robot restaurant named fuamen ramen recently opened in nagoya, japan. the two robotic chefs prepare the bowls of noodles for customers simply by pouring the broth, boiling the noodles and mixing all ingredients together.

according to the owner of the store and industrial robot maker kenji nagoya the benefits of using the robots as chefs include; ‘the accuracy of timing in boiling noodles, precise movements in adding toppings and consistency in the taste.’

not only do they prepare customers meals, but they also perform tricks.

ramen robot restaurant ramen noodles

design-aerobics food course now open for enrolment designboom is pleased to announce that our upcoming, online design education course on the topic of food is now available for purchase. from its packaging to the surroundings in which it’s consumed and everything in between, this course provides a good taste of design in the food sector – see how to enrol.