4 L = 4 materials

4 L = 4 materials by trevisan adrien from france

designer's own words:

nature gives natural ressources and people create recyclable and renewable materials :
- with water and earth we produce linen and starch
- with fire and earth we produce stell and glass

the new renault 4 is only made of renewable materials and recycled materials :
- recycled steel for the chassis
- recycled glass for windows
- linen and biologic resin for body parts
- startch for interior parts

after the car lifecycle, all this elements are easely separable and collected to be re-used.
cars are locally disassembled in small workshops optimizing transport and creating employments, the social side of ecodesign.

basic materials for a basic car, the new renault 4 is a minimum car. no gadgets, no show off, only efficiency, lightness and sincerity. mies van der rohe told us ... less is more (and he was right !).

So it is basic, green and social but it is also electric and chic reminding the original version with a contemporary approach and a modern and appealing touch.


new_renault_4l_profil_atjmt.gif profile

new_renault_4l_rear_atjmt.gif rear

new_renault_4l_perspective_atjmt.gif perspective

new_renault_4l_interior_atjmt.gif interior

new_renault_4l_explication_atjmt.gif explication