45 degrees

45 degrees by thomas lo from australia

designer's own words:

“45 Degrees” is a revolution on 2 levels parking system. One level of cars are being stored underground on a 45 degrees angle under a thin layer of water; the Qashqai suits perfectly to this design as it gives the car a tougher look; as if its been submerged underwater as you walk across the parking. Unlike conventional 2 levels parking where bottom car has to be readjusted for the top one to exit, this system can be extended to 3 levels so no readjustments are needed and an extra car can also travel through the middle while the other 2 levels are full. The design is to be placed anywhere from indoor to outdoor and should give a new perspective on the way to park.

45 degrees day and night

angle_poster_2_final.jpg How it works

angle_poster_3.jpg Top view and closer description