57 assorted

57 assorted by emma caselton from uk

designer's own words:

57 leggy LEDs are individually inserted into 57 mini balloons. The LEDs are then linked up to a circuit beneath a glossy surface, which they stand upon as if held up by the air in the balloons. The piece would be impossible without the use of LED's as the heat from any standard bulb would explode the rubber within minutes.
The surface holding the forms is tilted upwards, where the majority of the balloons congregate to give the impression that the surface is being lifted by the bouyancy of the round forms. An incredibly tactile installation, a mild breeze can make the balloons bob around and jostle one another for space.
The form of the piece is dominated by the random element in the shape of the balloon, as each one maintains a touch of individuality due to their imperfections.

coloured balloons

57_assorted2.jpg white balloons from above

57_assorted_3.jpg white balloons from the side